About The Klana Way

The Klana Way has many of its root in Zen, as well as with various forms of Paganism. It is like a flower that was grown from healthy soil, it is able to blossom and grow into something beautiful. Each person who lives the Klana way is a flower grown from these healthy soils.

So what is the Klana Way?

Simply put, the Klana Way is a spiritual and philosophical movement. The basics of this movement can be summed up by the Three Pillars of Klana: The Pillar of Family, The Pillar of Speech, and The Pillar of Action.

Followers of the Way strive to live their lives according to the Way in these three aspects of their lives. We aim to create only wellness and peace with family. We aim to create only wellness and peace with our words, and with our actions.

Many Cells of One Body

Just as your hand is made up of many cells, and your body made up of many parts that equal you, we see the whole of existence in such a way. You are a cell of the body of your family, which is a cell of the body of the human race. The human race is a cell of the body of the whole universe, which is a cell of the body of existence.

That may be quite a large concept to understand all at once, but it will become clearer with time.

Is The Klana Way a Pagan Religion?

Google defines Paganism as:

a religion other than one of the main world religions, specifically a non-Christian or pre-Christian religion.
“converts from paganism to Christianity”
  • a modern religious movement incorporating beliefs or practices from outside the main world religions, especially nature worship.
    “modern paganism includes a respect for mother earth”

This definition has a few main points that it uses to identify a “pagan” religion.

  1. Is not one of the world’s ‘Main’, or ‘majority’ religions, specifically Christianity
  2. Incorporates beliefs or practices not found in these ‘majority’ religions, specifically nature worship

What does it mean to worship nature?

The English word ‘worship’ has its roots in Old English, from the word ‘weorþscipe’ (pronounced similar to worth-ship). It expresses the basic concept of value, or worth.

It is used differently now, though the meaning hasn’t changed. The way that  most people view the meaning has changed. This is because different people worship differently. Christians, Jews and Muslims dominate the planet. This had led to the word ‘worship’ to be viewed from an almost entirely Abrahamic viewpoint.

An Abrahamic religion is one whose roots begin with Abraham, a monotheist who worshipped only one god. He is seen as the seed from which grew Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

If you take the definition of Paganism literally, then the Klana Way is a form of Paganism. Our religion is not one of the ‘main religions’ of today. We are in the minority. It is not Christian, Judaic, Islamic nor Abrahamic in any way.

As we hold nature in high esteem, and deem Her worthy of our attention and our focus, we are able to be called Nature worshippers. In fact, we see Sayari as the spirit of nature within the entire ecosystem of the planet Earth.

We see the planet earth as the Body of Sayari, and all life that call her body home are seen as cells of her body.

The Origin Of The Word “Pagan”

The word ‘pagan’ was first used by Christians in Europe to refer to people not of their religion. This is common in religions. In Islam, the word ‘kafr’ refers to someone who is not a Muslim. In Judaism, historically the word ‘gentile’ meant someone who was not a Jew. In Christianity, the word ‘pagan’ was used.

Aside from the word ‘pagan’, the terms ‘heathen’ and ‘hellene’ were also used.

These words were used as slurs often, spoken with malice to refer to the inferiority of those who did not adhere to the Christian religion.

The Crusades and The Christian Holy War Against Pagans

Much is said today about Islam. People love to gossip about the terrorists, about how their religion preaches violence and terrorism. Despite the fact that this is far from the truth, it is a trend and it will not soon change.

Islam is not the first religion to have some of its members pegged as terrorists. They aren’t the first group to use the sword to spread its messages.

In 1095, Pope Urban II began what is called the Crusades. They did the same thing the “muslim terrorists” are doing now. The Crusades were a quest to end all other religions.

Those who were considered ‘pagans’ were tortured, killed and worse. Because they did not convert to Christianity, the Pope’s armies had them slaughtered.

However, many hundreds of years later, people have begun using the term pagan to identify with. To refer to their personal spiritual practices.

One Pagan, Every Pagan

The learned Pagans of today realize a few simple things. All of these names, all of these rituals and practices are just ways of expressing an individuals recognition of Divinity, whatever it is that they perceive the Divine to be.

While followers of the Klana Way do not explicitly call themselves pagan, there is no reason that they shouldn’t identify as pagan. Sayari Paganism and The Klana Way are one and the same.  There is no real reason that they should, either. It is merely a semantic, and is much more of a political term than anything else.

As followers of the Klana Way take no interest in politics, there is little reason for anyone to feel obligated to consider themselves pagan or not.

Consider yourself Klana Sayari, child to Mother Sayari. What more you consider yourself beyond your Klanas is up to you.